报告题目:Nonlinear ultrasonic NDE techniques for micro-damages detection in solid media
报告人:李卫彬 博士
单 位:Pusan National University, Korea
时 间: 2013年1月28日(周一)上午10:00
地 点:DSP大楼多功能厅
摘要:One of the important applications of ultrasonic waves is nondestructive evaluation(NDE), conventional ultrasonic NDE is based on measuring linear acoustic parameters such as wave velocity, attenuation, to determine the elastic properties or defects in material.However, most conventional linear ultrasonic NDE technologies are very sensitive to gross defects, but much less sensitive for micro-damages detection, and early stage NDE has been one of the most demanding techniques in industries. Owning to highly sensitive to material micro-structural change, the nonlinear ultrasonic wave NDE has been recently taken as the most promising approach to meet this purpose. In this talk, firstly, the physical understanding of nonlinear ultrasonic wave and the nonlinearity sources in solid are analyzed, as well as a nondestructive approach to evaluate the heat treatment effect on Inconel X-750 alloy by using nonlinear ultrasonic waves. Secondly, nonlinear guided wave techniques is reported, the applications of nonlinear guided wave in composite structures is studied for quantifying micro-defects.
School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University, Korea
简介:李卫彬,2008年9月,获得中国教育部“建设高水平大学”项目奖学金,由中国重庆大学国家公派进入韩国釜山国立大学机械工程学院Wave & Structural Health Monitoring 研究室,攻读博士学位。主导师是韩国釜山大学Cho Younho 教授,联合指导教授是美国西北大学Achenbach教授。
李卫彬博士在Experimental Mechanics, Smart Materials and Structures 等国际知名学术杂志以及国际学术会议上发表10多篇论文。在2010年韩国无损检测学会30周年庆典系列活动中,其论文被评为韩国无损检测学会2010年度最佳论文。2011年1月,获得由中国驻韩国大使馆颁发的首届中国国家优秀公派留学生。2012年8月,博士毕业,目前在韩国国立釜山大学攻读博士后研究员。
科技处 超声物理与探测实验室