弹性波传播模拟的Chebyshev谱元法 |
林伟军 |
声学学报 |
2007 |
超声新型激励换能系统获得的窄脉冲检测信号 |
张晗 |
声学技术 |
2007 |
半无界分层介质表面任意面元激发的弹性波场 |
张碧星 |
声学学报 |
2007 |
Ultrasonic field radiated by a normal shear wave probe |
吴迪 |
2007 |
Thickness determination for a two-layered composite of a film and a plate by low-frequency ultrasound |
毛捷 |
2007 |
Some theoretical aspects of elastic wave modeling with a recently developed spectral element method |
王秀明 |
2007 |
Radiation and reflection acoustical fields of an annular phased array |
赖溥祥 |
2007 |
Perturbation analysis on guided waves in a fluid-filled borehole surrounded by a cubic crystal anisotropic medium |
张丽 |
2007 |
Inversion of multimode Rayleigh waves in the presence of a low-velocity layer: numerical and Laboratory study |
鲁来玉 |
2007 |
Guided waves in a multi-layered cylindrical elastic solid medium |
张碧星 |
2007 |