题目一:Modelling Attenuation and Dispersion of Elastic Waves in Porous Rocks due to Wave Induced Fluid Flow
报告人:Prof. Boris Gurevich, PhD Geophysics
单 位:Curtin University of Technology and CSIRO Petroleum, Australia
题目二:Rock Physics and Seismic Modeling to Monitor CO2 Sequestration in the Underground
报告人:Prof. José M. Carcione, PhD Geophysics
单 位:Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Trieste, Italy
时 间: 2009年10月9日(周五)下午2:30
地 点: 德昭楼218会议室
科技处 超声物理与探测实验室