论文题目 | 作者 | 刊物名称 | 发表年份 |
基于基阵特性特高声发射频次的方法研究 | 王晨 | 测试技术学报 | 2017 |
相干水声通信幅相加权空间分集均衡算法 | 李记龙 | 声学学报 | 2017 |
台风“莫兰蒂”对声传播特性的影响研究 | 李骏 | 声学技术 | 2017 |
A robust interaural time differences estimation and dereverberation algorithm based on the coherence function | 方义 | Applied Acoustics | 2017 |
一款水声通信换能器研究 | 童晖 | 声学技术 | 2017 |
An efficient broadband coupled-mode model using the Hamiltonian method for modal solutions | 杨雪峰 | SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics,&Astronomy | 2017 |
Collective prediction based on community structure | 姜亚松 | Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications | 2017 |
Window-Dominant Signal Subspace Methods for Multiple Short-Term Speech Source Localization | 应冬文 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing | 2017 |
PLF Optimization for Target Language Detection | 张健 | Chinese Journal of Electronics | 2017 |
An End-to-End Deep Learning Approach to Simultaneous Speech Dereverberation and Acoustic Modeling for Robust Speech Recognition | Bo Wu | IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing | 2017 |