论文题目 |
非侵入式超声塑形实现的关键技术 |
论文题目(英文) |
Key technology of the body contouring by non-invasive focused ultrasound |
作者 |
王晓东 |
发表年度 |
2008 |
卷 |
5 |
期 |
4 |
页码 |
22-23 |
期刊名称 |
中华医学超声杂志(电子版) |
摘要 |
非侵入式超声塑形是最近几年刚刚兴起的技术,使用特殊的换能器产生高能量聚焦超声波作用于人体脂肪层,利用超声波的空化效应破坏脂肪细胞膜,游离的脂肪通过人体代谢系统排除体外,从而达到塑形的目的。此项技术 具有安全无创等优点。简要讨论了非侵入式超声塑形的物理机理、工作参数、实际系统的构成和工作原理,重点介绍了其中的两项关键技术:超声塑形系统中的发射换能器和频率跟踪技术的应用。 关键词:超声塑形;换能器;频率跟踪 |
摘要_英文 |
In recent years, the technology of focused ultrasound is used for body contouring with the advantages of non-invasive and safe. The principles of body contouring by focused ultrasound, system composing and working para-meters are briefly introduced. Specifically, two key techniques, the ultrasound transducer and frequency tracking are discussed. Key words: body contouring; focused ultrasound; transducer; frequency tracking |