2012年8月13日,第8届国际空化会议(8th International Symposium on Cavitation, ISC)在新加坡召开,超声物理与探测实验室处理超声学及其应用课题组的李超副研究员、白立新副研究员和徐德龙副研究员在中国声学学会办公室邓京军主任的带领下参加了会议。
在8月13日至16日的会议上,李超副研究员和白立新副研究员分别作了题为“Observation the Inception and Movement of Cavitation Bubble in Liquid Whistle”和“A New Method for Producing Nonspherical Cavitation Bubble using Flexible Electrodes”的报告,引起了较大反响,研究工作受到国际同行的关注。
ISC是专门讨论声空化问题的国际会议,在空化和空泡动力学领域有着非常高的声誉,是该领域的顶级会议。ISC始于1986年,每三、四年在亚洲、欧洲和美洲等地举行,本次会议的主席是新加坡国立大学(NUS)的Khoo Boo Cheong 教授和新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)的Claus-Dieter Ohl教授,共有来自20多个国家近300位科研人员参加了本次会议。下次ISC会议将于2015年在瑞士的洛桑举行。
附:History of the International Symposia on Cavitation
The aim of the international symposia on cavitation is to promote and exchange knowledge on cavitation worldwide. It was initially conceived for the exchange of scientific and engineering knowledge of cavitation as it applies to naval applications and turbo-machinery. Since then it has grown to encompass the areas of industrial and biomedical application. The goals of the symposium have been achieved by invited lectures of distinguished experts in the field, by papers from active researchers, by workshops and discussions. The symposia have a strong international characteristics and are supported by an international scientific committee. Furthermore, it has always been strongly supported by academia, industry and regulatory bodies with more than a hundred papers presented.
The first cavitation symposium was held in 1986 in Sendai, Japan. After the second symposium in Tokyo (1994) it was decided to make it periodic every three to four years in Asia, Europe and the Americas.

