2007年3月27日上午9:30,超声物理与探测实验室系列学术活动(之三)在DSP多功能厅举行。报告会由应崇福院士主持,王秀明研究员,李明轩特聘研究员、张海澜研究员、张碧星研究员、毛捷研究员、林伟军副研究员等老师和研究生参加了报告会。清华大学Fu Song教授、天津大学沈建国教授应邀出席了报告会,
本次学术活动为SEG(Society of Exploration Geophysicists)东南亚演讲活动之一。应王秀明研究员之邀,S.K. Steve Chang资深研究员为大家做了题目为“Recent advances in Borehole Geophysics applications.”的报告。
在报告中,Steve Chang资深研究员就当前的井孔地球物理应用的新进展给大家做了深入浅出的介绍。这其中包括:实时随钻井孔地震勘探,水力压裂裂缝检测,三维井孔高分辨率成像技术、井孔地震勘测地层的各向异性、正交偶极子技术应用、利用地震径向剖面技术研究分析井孔附近岩石应力等。
会后,Steve Chang资深研究员和大家就报告内容进行交流和探讨。
S. K. Steve Chang资深研究员小传:
S.K. Steve Chang received a B.S. in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from University of California, Berkeley. He joined Schlumberger in 1979, and for 15 years conducted research in borehole acoustic and electromagnetic logging at Schlumberger-Doll Research in Ridgefield, Connecticut. He became the director of geoacoustic research in 1990. He moved to Sugar Land, Texas, in 1994 to manage the logging while drilling (LWD) product line. In 1997, he became manager of groups in directional drilling software and logging interpretation. He moved to Beijing, China, as general manager to build the Schlumberger Beijing Geoscience Center in 2000. In 2005, he moved to Japan as the oil field services acoustic métier manager. Steve has 19 US patents and more than 80 journal and conference papers in acoustics and electromagnetics. (资料来源: http://ce.seg.org/rl/chang/index.shtml)