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2015/01/21 | 【 【打印】【关闭】





  主编:李坤成    田家玮 

  主管:中国科学院               主办:中国科学院声学研究所 

  标准刊号:CN 11-1881/R   ISSN 1003-3289 

  国内邮发代号:82-509          国外邮发代号:M1344 




  联系人:     杜艳霞       

    E-mail: cjmit@mail.ioa.ac.cn 

  Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology 

  Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology (CJMIT) was established in the year of 1985. It is the only academic journal on national level combining the theory research of clinical medical imaging and medical imaging engineering and technology. The editorial board of CJMIT is composed of experts both inside and outside China in medical imaging field. The journal publishes the newest findings in the fundamental-research and clinical-research fields of medical imaging radiology, ultrasound, nuclear imaging etc) imaging technology, interventional imaging, imaging physics and engineering, etc. The journal also focuses on the combination of medicine, theory research and engineering, showing the findings in both theory research and clinical applications of medical imaging technology. CJMIT contains high-volume information and has a short publishing period. The forms for publications in    CJMIT include treatises, reviews, clinical experiences, case report, etc.  

  Being one of the most influential domestic journals in medical imaging field, CJMIT is indexed by several well-known databases. The journal is identified as national key medium by State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Health and China Food and Drug Administration, which allows it to publish relative medical advertisements and to be a convenient and efficient advertising means for companies and manufacturers. Warmly welcome all to advertise and promote products in CJMIT. 

  CJMIT is a monthly journal with 160 pages of big 16 mo and color printing on coated paper. Every issue of CJMIT costs 20, and the subscription price per year is 240. 

  Editor-in-chief:  LI Kuncheng   TIAN Jiawei 

  Competent Authorities: The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) 

  Sponsor: Institute of Acoustics, CAS 

  Standard Serial Number: CN 11-1881/R   ISSN 1003-3289 

  Domestic Post Office Subscription Code: 82-509 

  International Post Office Subscription Code: M1344 

  Advertising Business License To Jinghai Company Wide Word Number Seventy-fourth 

  Address: Room 502, 503, Dayou Building, No.21 North 4th Ring Road, Haidian District, Beijing 

  Zip Code: 100190 

  Contacts: YANG Hai  DU Yanxia  

  E-mail: cjmit@mail.ioa.ac.cn 

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