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2020/09/17 | 【 【打印】【关闭】

声学学报(ACTA ACUSTICA, Chinese version) and the Chinese Journal of Acoustics (in English) are the publications of the Institute of Acoustics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences (IACAS), edited by the Acoustical Society of China and the Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Acoustics, to publish original works in all branches of acoustics, and to promote the international understanding and collaboration in the field of acoustics.

Prof. LI Xiaodong is editor in Chief of the Journals.

声学学报(ACTA ACUSTICA, Chinese version) is bimonthly, six issues in a year with about 96 pp of scientific material in each issues, distributed through post office of China. ISSN: 0371--0025, CODEN SHGHAS.

The Chinese Journal of Acoustics (in English) is quarterly, four issues in a year, 96 pages, distributed through the Acoustical Society of China and the Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Acoustics. ISSN: 0217--9776, CODEN CJACDS.

Contributions from invited guests and friends are also solicited. Contributed papers submitted for publication in the Journals should be original, unpublished. For speedy publication of new and important theoretical and experimental results, letters are preferred. Review papers are accepted only by invitation. Three copies of the manuscript (the original and two copies, and disk copies, or by email: jsx@mail.ioa.ac.cn) in completed final version are required. The text should be written in Chinese for ACTA ACUSTICA, and in English for The Chinese Journal of Acoustics. Every paper must have an abstract of not more than 200 words. Concise and informative abstract is important to make possible its use verbatim in Science Abstracts.

For the Chinese Journal of Acoustics (English) abstract, please refer to http://english.ioa.cas.cn/cjoa/index.html.

The Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Acoustics

P.O. Box 2712

Beijing 100190


Tel:+86-010-82547907 Fax: +86-010-82547908

Email: jsx@mail.ioa.ac.cn

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